Some final photos from China...

The Gravley family is about to begin their trip back to the good ole USA and to the center of the universe - Greer, SC. Here are some photos from there last day in China.Continue to pray for their return trip home. They have really enjoyed all of the messages on the board and keep sending messages to them. They will arrive back at GSP on Thursday morning around 9:33 A.M.!

New photos...

Pictures from China...

Enjoy some photos...

Going to get Kayli Brooke Yong Gravley!

Thanks for visiting the site. We leave Friday AM from GSP, go to Atlanta, then to L.A. We get to L.A. at about 2:30 thier time, then fly to China at 11:59 PM. We get there Sunday morning.(you lose a day going) Hopefully we'll get Kayli sometime Sunday. I will try & post stuff up on this site as often as I can, assuming it doesn't cost a fortune to connect. Worst case I should be able to email.
I also put up the message board below. Feel free to post, talk to us, talk to each other, shoot, talk about Greer High football if you want! We'll check that out everytime we get online as well.
I have also put up a couple of links. One is to the hotel we will be in. The other is the weather in the city we'll be in!
Thank you for all the prayers and support. We do feel the love! We love you.

PS- Pray for all our animals. One dog, three cats, and a hermit crab......Jordan Graham is house sitting. JUST kidding Jordan! (kind of!)

Link to the White Swan

Local weather and forecast for Guangzhou, here!

For the current time & date in here.

We are scheduled to be back home at GSP at 9:30 AM on May 27th!

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